
Missing Him

This morning I once again dropped off the hubby at the airport after a whirlwind weekend visit home. He arrived Saturday morning and it was one of the best weekends of my life. All we did was enjoy each other, the cold, eating together, fires in the fireplace, hours of movies, and just sleeping in our bed together. We barely left the house except to go look for a snow blower, go to a movie and out to dinner. It was fabulous doing absolutely nothing and just being in the moment. One thing about Larry and I is that above everything else in our life together, we value our time. More than money, more than stuff, more than careers or accomplishment, we always have each other.

Life always throws things at you, gives you challenges, and can even take away everything you ever thought you had, but life can never take away those inside your heart. Love is the only thing worth living for.

On the way home from the airport a song came on the radio which seemed very apropos. I have added it as my music selection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missing Her TOO! I haven't met anyone in my working world (civilian or military) that places such value on the time spent together. All too often I meet people that look for the opportunity to be apart; for work or hobby. I only regret that I cannot do what I love in the same zip code as the one I love.
As with all contrasts, The time together means that much more!