
Many Blogger Returns

No, I did not disappear to some unknown universe, become stuck underneath a wagon wheel, or find myself duct taped and thrown into a closet. I am here, alive and well, breathing and eating, and managing life as best I can. Since Christmas, my life has been topsy turvy and confusing. In the past, I have written many entries about my awareness of upcoming changes in my life. However, this one took me by surprise and landed in my lap when I wasn't looking. I am changing like I never have, and in ways I never thought possible. It is exciting and frightening at the same time. In times like these, writing is my usual outlet, but lately I have found myself fearing what might stream out of my thoughts. I withheld writing and kept things inside. I now find myself able and ready to write again, so that I might try and better understand the insanity that is floating around inside of me.

Since I last wrote:
  • Christmas came and went
  • I celebrated my 18th wedding anniversary
  • I went to Disneyland for New Years Eve. It was disappointing with the craziness (what were we thinking?), and with the fog that rolled in which made it impossible to actually see any fireworks going off. A trip we won't repeat.
  • My husband submitted his application to the Army to go back to being a full-time officer.
  • We were told that if/when he gets orders, he will most likely be sent to Hawaii.
  • I decided that if he goes to Hawaii, I will stay here. There are many reasons for this decision, most of which I will discuss when I know more.
  • I started back in my classes.....one I love, one I already hate.
  • I have applied for acceptance into a professional organization and am looking forward to all the possibilities and opportunities that might be available there.
  • I have narrowed down my school choices for my Masters work to an online program at California State, Northridge. They offer what I want and appear to have a great M.S. program. Now it is just the "getting in" part I have to work on. Very competitive.
  • The inversion rolled in last week, which makes me want to hide from the world. I hate it and it makes my lungs burn and my nose crack.
  • I joined the rec center so I can train for my first sprint triathlon. I am freaking out because I am worried I won't be ready by May.
  • I am starting to look for work, just part-time, but something. Not surprising, it is proving to be hard in this economy.
  • I am filled with hope with our new President, and I love that he wants me to be a better American. Yesterday was a day of pure excitement for me. I feel lucky to be living in this time.

That is all I can come up with for now. I feel like I have a lot going on in my life right now, and trying to get a hold on it all without letting it get a hold on me is proving a challenge. I can see that I have a problem with time management and letting things get away from me. This is obviously something I need to work on and work on quickly.

So life is changing once again, and there is a lot of uncertainty ahead of me. I wish sometimes that wasn't the case, but then I guess life wouldn't be life without it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Bindy...I'm rootin' for ya!!! Love ya girl!