

My love for Aldo Leopold and his writings is the purpose of this post. As a granddaughter of a life long farmer, I find a kinship in Leopold. As a teacher, I find his writings insightful. As a hope to be future naturalist, I find his words inspiring.

In a Sand County Almanac, he chronicles his farm month by month. Since autumn has made its presence known, at least here in the Rockies, here is an excerpt from September:
There is peculiar virtue in the music of elusive birds. Songsters that sing from top-most boughs are easily seen and as easily forgotten; they have the mediocrity of the obvious. What one remembers is the invisible hermit thrush pouring silver chords from impenetrable shadows; the soaring crane trumpeting from behind a cloud; the prairie chicken booming from the mists of nowhere; the quail's Ave Maria in the hush of dawn. - A Sand County Almanac

1 comment:

tieko said...

*s* i love this excerpt.. It's nice to see a side of you I haven't before : )