
Quenching a thirst

After a 2 month drought with no rain, dry, fire-sparking lightening, and averaging 100 degree temperatures, the last few days were a reprieve. Every morning and evening we have had thunderstorms roll through sometimes only providing spits of rain, other times we get an actual downpour, either way it is refreshing to say the least. There is something about the rain here in the Mountains. It smells different than any other place I have lived. The skies move turning a dark shade of blue grey, and then the winds pick up, tossing dust everywhere. The water that precipitates is so cold from the high atmosphere that temperatures drop suddenly. Then there's the smell, that wonderful cold, dust smell. Sometimes if your lucky you can catch the scent of wet pine in the mix. I don't know why, but I love the smell of the rain here.

Last night a rather good storm passed through around 8:00p.m and I just stood in the doorway staring out at the sky, letting the cool wind pass through me. It offers such rejuvenation, especially when it has been so oppressive lately. I stood there watching the wind have its way with the trees, later feeling the cool rain on my skin and loving the fact the I was getting wet.

That's one thing about living here, you never take the weather for granted. One moment it can be hot and dry, next the skies will suddenly open up and offer a slight cool down. Whatever the day offers, enjoy it for the moment because you never no how much longer it will last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, I love the summation.