
Out with the old

I suppose I have nothing but to blame Spring for this one.  As I said in my last post, for me Spring is about being reborn, a shedding of skin, etc..., and for the last week or so I have been going beyond enjoying the birth of it all and even the "spring cleaning," but actually clearing out a deeper part of me.  I am cleaning out the past.  The past is full of old people, old expectations, old friendships, and old dreams that have passed their prime and have no where to go into my future.  I have come to a place of peace with that idea.  Leaving things where they had their moment and moving on to the unknown.  Strange thing is that as I look at what I have held onto, most of it was never really real, never really apart of me, but for some reason I held onto it as if it was.  I think it was just a comfort of knowing that somewhere and at some point in my life there was a spot for me to belong, but when I look at that spot, it doesn't fit the person that I am today.  And if I look at it with a more critical eye, I see that the spot never really fit at all.

So as I clean out the closets, get the bags of clothes together to give to Goodwill, clean out the garage and rip out carpet to be replaced with wood flooring, I find I am also clearing out my life of the old and unusable, of people that no longer fit me and accept the person I have become.  And as I begin to plant my Spring flowers and vegetables, I relish in the unknown blooms and seeds for the future.

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