
I've Gotta an Itch

Spring fever has set in here in Utah. It started making an appearance last weekend. One of the major reasons I chose to move back here was to once again enjoy four seasons, and to know what it means when Spring actually arrives. In San Diego, Spring arrived when the temperatures rose to 75 degrees rather than 72 degrees. In Florida, it was when the big bugs starting making an appearance, and the days went from sticky to muggy. Here, you have a cold winter (although not as cold as I remember it) and then suddenly something in the air changes. It is like a pop, and you suddenly notice the warm sun on your face. Birds start singing again, and as the snow recedes small little green bumps start to break the surface of the earth underneath.
People are out and about. It is an itch and everybody is scratching, shedding their winter skin. People who haven't spoken to each other in months can now be found sitting on their front porches, their new babies in tow, catching up with neighbors sharing their winter stories. It is an optimism of sorts, a glow that radiates from people as you pass them in the park, or in the grocery store.
I'm itching too. My skin is browning, and my hair is starting to get gold streaks. My desires for life and experience have blossomed, and my daffodils are already 2 inches high. My energy has increased 10 fold and I am craving a drive, a long, long drive to nowhere in particular. Just wherever the road takes me.
Spring is here, and I've got some serious scratch'n to do.

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