
The Good, the Great, the Bad, and a little Hocus Pocus

Happy March 1st!!
The Good: Yesterday I went on my normal run up city creek and actually found it to be a bit easier. My body was telling me it could take more punishment. I lost myself in my thoughts rather than being consumed in the quest for oxygen. Let us all say a big HURRAH!! It took a month of running 3-4 times a week (with a hot week in Hawaii), but I am finally seeing a small step of improvement. I will admit that I never thought I would. Now lets hope I didn't just jinx myself.

The Great: After my run, I stopped by Wild Oats (which is now Whole Foods) and picked up some Ahi tuna for dinner. I made a honey-ginger marinade and glaze, seared the tuna, steamed some asparagus, and served it with a couple of slices of a french baguette. I scarfed it down like it was chocolate mousse. It was so amazingly good. It was the best fish dinner I have ever made!

The Bad: I took my little cat in to the vet yesterday. I have noticed that she seems to be running into things that are right in front of her face. I brought this to the attention of the vet. She checked her eyes, and sure enough my instincts were correct, she is going blind. My poor kitty, she is not yet 3 years old and had such a hard start in this world. I think my vet felt somewhat obligated to me, as if because she entrusted this little survivor to me, it is her fault I am plagued with all these problems. I absolutely love my cat and could never find her to be an inconvenience. Blind or not blind, she is my cat and will have a comfortable, loving home.

A little Hocus Pocus: Last night after my filling dinner, I spent some time goofing off on the Internet. I started to reflect on the conversations Larry and I have had in the last couple of days. I don't know why, but I wanted to know more about this Astrology thing. Something about being a flighty, non committal Gemini just didn't seem right. I know, I shouldn't take it seriously. I think it is more a curiosity than anything. If I am not satisfied with something, then I will dig until I am satisfied, or just give up. Some of my Geminian tendencies: I prefer breath over depth, I love my freedom, I can move on quickly when I see a situation is going no where (except in matters of the heart), I am challenged in seeing things through to the end (I lose interest), I am animated when I talk, naturally photogenic, I LOVE to learn, but when I have learned what I have sought out to learn I file it and move on to the next thing.

But this whole notion of being a permanent "flake" who spends every Friday night being the "party girl" and is completely emotionally detached just isn't me. Most my Friday nights (when I am alone) consist of a nice dinner, maybe a little laundry, a glass of wine, a little Van Morrison, and a good book or movie. I have also been attracted to Scorpios my whole life, both in lovers and in friendships. My husband is a Scorpio, so is my best friend. If Geminis and Scorpios are so polarized then what gives? So I thought I would take it a step further. As I read over some astrology basics, I came to find that it is the moon that is actually more telling of our personality. In fact, the moon sign, was more important to Astrology back in ye olden times. This inquiring mind wanted to know more. What was my Moon sign? I'll give you a guess....yep....Scorpio. Not only that, but so is my Ascending Sun. I am oozing Scorpio-ness all over the place.

This actually sucks a bit for me, being so polarized. Nothing like surface depths, talkative shyness, being non committally committed (maybe in a loony sense). I am a freak'n walking dichotomy. If I am to take such information to heart, it makes a lot more sense of why at times I feel like I want to be two different people with two very different lives. I am also extremely sensitive and very emotional when I want to be. I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve.

The Gemini Sun-Scorpio Moon persona is as intelligent as they come. Geminis always look for answers, although they often have a casual interest in the world around them. Add Lunar Scorpio, and you have a natural psychologist, bent on finding meaning and never afraid to rock the boat. The Gemini gift of communication and the Scorpio soul vision combine eloquently (although the Gemini-Scorpio combination is an unusual one). This combination makes her both versatile and passionate at once. She can use words to paint pictures, she possesses a sharp wit, and being provocative comes naturally. This Sun-Moon combination is a fascinating one. The head and the heart send such different messages that she can be somewhat of a paradox.

I guess that is nice way of putting it.

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