
Movie Recommendations

This last week, my husband and I went to see Pan's Labyrinth, or El laberinto del fauno. We had no knowledge of the storyline prior to entering the theatre. I just picked a movie and we went. I have to say I thought this was a fabulous tale. The film is in Spanish, but has English subtitles. I didn't find this to be an issue, as the story moved along quickly.
I very rarely make recommendations for movies, but this one I have to make an exception for. I really loved this movie.
This is not a story for the kiddies. Leave them at home. There is some violence as it is set during the Spanish Civil War, and there is a particular creature that about had me out of my seat.
Afterwards, I made the comment to my husband that I thought the film had religious undertones. My husband did not see those characteristics until after I pointed it out to him. I think he missed it because the hero in the movie is a young girl.
5 stars

Another great rental I watched last weekend was Catch a Fire. The film is set during the South African Apartheid of the 1980s. Amazing story and gut wrenching as well.
4 stars


tieko said...

i want to see this.
sooooo much.. maybe tonight though.. *s*

Heather said...

A good movie I watched over the weekend was Bon Cop, Bad Cop. Really funny!!