
A week in review.....again

Last night I sat here and wrote my blog entry only to have Firefox crash on me just as I was loading a photo. I was slightly pissed, and decided to wait until morning before attempting to rewrite it.

Last week just flew by, and I am in shock that it is already February. I spent much of the last 7 days still living in "recover" phase from my loopy head problems. This last attack was much worse and lasted much longer, so I am going to see more specialists in the coming weeks and months to get a more reasonable course of treatment than "just get used to it."

I am way behind on my reading goals for the month. I usually read just before going to bed and because of the above mentioned problems, I would only get a paragraph in before crashing. It doesn't make for good storyline development, so I would have to re-read the last paragraph before attempting a new paragraph only to......you guessed it, fall asleep. You get the idea. Last night was the first night in weeks that I could stay awake for an hour and get a whole chapter in.

The weather here finally broke 30 degrees. Now we are getting temps in the 40s. I made it to City Creek twice for some fresh, clean air. It was a highpoint of my week.

For the last month, I have pondering some possible directional changes in my career. I have been leaning towards more therapy or counseling possibilities in working with children as well as working with aging folks and veterans. I also am looking for a direction that will give me the ability to continue with my advocacy work (time, enough money, etc...). I have been feeling an unsettling inside, and I think I want to investigate this more.

My hubby was offered six month orders to Hawaii to work in the Navy. I was slightly stressed. Excited, but stressed. He has decided to not take them for the time being. I will admit that I am relieved even though it goes against my personality to turn down a new adventure. I just want to settle in here for a while.

We finished painting our dining room and living room. We went kind of bold with a pewter grey color. I like it, and it complements the red and yellows in the other rooms. Larry says it looks like a gallery, but he does like it. I guess I like color and lots of it.

I haven't run in over 2 weeks now. It is disappointing, but there was no way I was going to keep up with my training while the room was spinning. I hope to get back on the treadmill soon, but will probably have to take it slow. I am still planning on the 5K in April.

Went to a SuperBowl party last night at my Aunts house. I brought dessert.
I never make cupcakes, but wanted to make it easy for individuals to eat. I also was thinking more Valentine's rather than SuperBowl. They were yummy. I had three and they kept me up until 2 a.m. jumping around in bed (so that's why I could stay up and read......).

I also had a little help in the kitchen
Now if that isn't cute then I don't know what is. She is just as sweet in person (except at the vet's office). Okay there's my cat fix.

That's it for my week in review. Not too exciting, I know. Hopefully that will change shortly. I am just grateful to be feeling better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ctrl C right before you publish, saves it to the clip board. Or write long posts in word and cut and past into blogger. there used to be a word add on you could publish straight from word.