
Playing with my new toy

Larry just bought me a new MacBook Pro and am having a blast playing with the new gadgets on this thing. I am sure I could spend hours, days, years working on it and still not know everything that it is capable of. I have been playing with this tool called Photo Booth so here goes....

Come on Vogue!!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Have fun with it!

bindiec said...

I am hoping this is from my better half??? : )

Thanks....I will. Cutie??? Even the lower left? That one is pretty hideous, I think.

Unknown said...

LOL I love the lower left one.. and your hair too... You look a bit different than the photos we took on my phone :)

but i'm not mom, just erm borrowing her cookies at the mo..

mid terms away!!!

bindiec said...

Crap....don't remember the phone photos, but yeah I have cut my hair since you last saw me. Actually this is about 2 inches longer that the cut I made in October. I think I am going to grow it out for the summer though. I have to have the requisite hair to match my beach filled summer :).
Good luck on the midterms!