
Pupus, Dead Bodies, and Reo Speedwagon

Yep.....I love putting descriptive words together that make no sense to anyone else but me.

Yesterday Larry and I decided to go to the Bodies exhibit in downtown Honolulu. We were both starving and ended up at a little bar in the center of the mall. We filled up on cool, refreshing beer and Pupus (appetizers in Hawaiian).

The exhibit was amazing. It is all about the body (as the name implies), and full of carved up cadavers and parts. Fascinating stuff! I felt like I was a kid just entering the Magic Kingdom for the first time. All the bodies were Chinese, so they were much smaller than myself, but I loved looking at all the parts, especially the parts that I have recently been studying. I found the blood vessel exhibit the most fascinating. They injected the arteries and vessels with a red polymer, so ever little vessel was visible. The body look like a nest of red. It was very cool. When I looked at a leg and arm in a display case, this old man came over to me and said, "looks like something I would put on the barbie." In actuality it did, but I wasn't sure how to react to such a statement. I may be reconsidering my return back to eating meat....veggies anyone?

The only complaint I had was that they only had one female body. I thought the representation of female body was lacking. They are touring all over the world, so maybe other exhibits have more female bodies, but I was hoping to get to see my parts that are much different than my husbands. It was a struggle to find the ovaries, uterus and tubes. A bit disappointed.

Afterwards, I was getting sleepy (7 p.m. is 11 p.m. for me) and decided to go home. On the radio a song came on that Larry and I knew like the Lord's Prayer, but neither of us could recall the band. We ran through all the 70s and early 80s rock bands.....STYX? No. Journey? No. After a few minutes of belting the lyrics, I remembered...Reo Speedwagon's Keep on Lovin You.

We got back to the condo and I curled up on Larry's lap and fell asleep with my cheek on his thigh bone. Left a nice, big red mark.

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