

I think I am the biggest klutz known to mankind. For example, this morning I awoke to my beeping alarm clock, put my sports bra and shorts on in the dark, and did my half hour of yoga doing my best to be graceful and breathe properly. Legs stretched out long, balancing on one knee and a hand, down dog, warrior pose, etc, etc... . You might think that if I was to fall over or trip this might be the opportune time for me to do so, but no.... the worst that happened was me getting behind a step or two. It wasn't until afterwards that I crashed and burned.

I was hopping down the stairs on my way to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer paying little attention to my feet or the stairs. Before I knew it my feet slipped out from underneath me...BOOM... on my rear end landing 6th step from the bottom. My husband, who was doing the dishes in the kitchen, heard the crash and came flying to my rescue. I think he expected me to be a mangled mess of body parts at the bottom of the stairs, limbs flung to far, distant corners of the room. Instead he found me laughing (which he thought was crying at first) and rubbing my right acetabulum (butt bone). "That's it!" he said sternly. "I can't leave you! Your gonna fall down somewhere and hurt yourself, and I won't be able to help you." Sweet, but really honey, I am not doing this on purpose.

To add to his argument, I made the mistake of telling him that I fell out the side door last week while he was away. Yes folks, I, former ballet dancer extraordinaire, fell out the door. I can't say exactly what happened, but here is what I do know. I opened the side door to take something out to the garage, and as I stepped onto the porch my foot rolled off a bag of pears I had forgotten I had left outside the door. My right knee collapsed taking down the rest of me with it. Fortunately, I landed on a rubber mat, so there was only a little scratch on my right ankle. My biggest concern was whether or not any of my neighbors may have caught this amazing act of grace.
Last month while warming up on my treadmill (aka walking), I managed to do the one thing I never thought I would, I tripped and did the ol' slide down the belt face down. Except I wasn't as smart as other people who might encounter such an event, they let go and get off the treadmill. I, however, decided to hold on to the handles while the turning belt had its way with my knee. It left a nice scab. Again, my husband was home and heard the crash and came flying downstairs. I believe that time I got the, "what am I going to do with you!"

I could probably dig up some other stories of "Bindy's inability to perform basic tasks without shedding blood," but that might take up more blog time than I am allotted.

Note to any reader passing through: If I don't write for awhile...call 911. (Just kidding!)

P.S. OT- In the picture that is posted at the top of my blog is a face. For some reason the way the branches come together make a face to me. Can anyone else see it, or am I seeing things?

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