
Goofing Off

Just got back from hiking and decided, "hey, why not take some totally amazing pictures of myself (ha ha)! Don't mind the rat's nest called my hair. Mind you I am looking down at the computer screen (it's in my lap), so gravity just isn't in my favor.


tieko said...

well hell bin, you look better than I would if i were looking down.. can we say there would be like very little definition between my face and my neck.. :)

bindiec said...

Oh Geez Ness!
I can't believe how bad my hair looks! Oh well, who cares anyway! It was just for fun. Fun comes with all kinds of hair.

Thanks for the facial definition compliment though. Especially since I am going to be an old lady soon!! In a few years the only decent photos will be me on my back.....as long as you don't see my boobs in my armpits! ;)