

After spending the last 4 mornings trying to hitch a flight to see my better half in Oahu, I finally had to admit defeat today and give in. In the 4 days of trying to get a seat on the one flight a day from SLC to Honolulu, one non-rev made it on the plane. His hire date was 1967. I don't think I had a chance. I am more than disappointed. This was going to be my trip. I was going to see the whales, travel around the island, layout on the beach, and spend my evenings soaking in the setting sun. I guess I should have bought a ticket, but who knew? I wouldn't have guessed there would be so many travelers. But instead of whining about it, I am going to go at the end of April (knock on wood). It will be a shorter trip, but hey I'll take it.
Next weekend I leave to visit my mom for Easter. I just hope that the flights aren't as full. It will be my first trip back to Florida in almost 3 years. I moved out in a blaze of hurricanes, so it will interesting to see how things have changed. I am also going to stop through Atlanta for a short visit with a friend, so I do have some travelling ahead of me. I just hope this week of travel angst is not a precursor to the next 2 weeks.

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