
Sci Fi am I

Okay most people who know me, I mean really know me, know that I am crazy for sci-fi. I have no explanation for this love. It does not appear to run in my family (most find it strange and weird). I think it goes back to my youth when all I was allowed to watch was Public Broadcasting, which can probably also explain my love of British programs and stuffed animals. One program I always looked forward to watching was Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Maybe it was the long pauses in between sentences, or just my innate curiosity about the world and the universe, but I have been a sucker for science and science fiction ever since.

Recently I came across a great series on Netflix called Firefly which was accompanied with its movie, Serenity. If you haven't heard of this program its because it was given the ol' heave ho by network execs after just 14 shows. It is truly one of the best science fiction/adventure programs I have seen. The writing and acting were awesome. My husband and I couldn't get enough of it. We basically had a Firefly weekend in that we just sat on our buttocks for 4-5 hours a night. When it was over, we were actually mad. Stupid I know, but it is often so difficult to find good, fun, imaginative programming anymore. To see this great show get the axe was a bit of a pisser.
If you like fun, adventure based shows, then check this one out! You won't be sorry.

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