
Chasing Leaves

After the storm cleared overnight, I awoke to a beautiful crisp, cool, sunny day. I wanted to get outside and soak in the fresh air and sunlight. I hadn't been to the park in a week, and decided that was as good a place as any to enjoy the day. I had been saving some bread that I bought a week ago, but never manged to eat it. I set it to the side in anticipation of taking it to the park to feed the geese and ducks.
I grabbed my camera, my phone, and my brick-o-bread and headed out the door. Once I arrived to the park I took out my bread only to find it covered with green mold. Yuck. I wasn't going to feed them moldy bread, so into the garbage can it went.
Fortunately, it didn't appear they were going to be short on feedings today. This mom and her two children must have brought what appeared to be a couple of shopping bags of chopped up breads.

She may have gotten more than she bargained for. These geese are no amateurs. They can pick out the weak ones and start attacking all the while fighting off the swarming seagulls. These guys have been around the block a few times and can spot the naive bread thrower on the spot.

I made my way around the pond and came across some pairs of ducks that were busy feeding off the fresh scum on the pond floor (and I was worried about my moldy bread?). Probably one of the funniest things for me, obvious geek that I am, is to watch ducks turn upside down in the water. I don't know why, maybe it's their cute little butts in the air, maybe their little webbed feet flailing about, but it makes me laugh.

This picture cracks me up. I guess it was a slow humor day.

After I amused myself with the headless ducks, I continued on through the park. The east side mountains were still ominous with their dark, gray clouds, but the west side was blue and sunny. You would almost think I took these pictures on different days, but it was the same sky, on the same day, at the same time.

Looking West

To the East


Yep you guessed....East

I believe I get an "A" for proper demonstration of the cardinal directions. Sorry... smart ass here. I continued through the center of the park where the stream flows and the Birch trees are shedding their golden leaves. I don't know why, but whenever I walk through fallen, crispy leaves I feel like a child again. I find myself starting to purposely drag my feet so that I can shuffle more loudly through the leaves. Maybe it is that extra sound of crunchy "swishyness" (no it's not a word) that transforms me into a 10 year old again. That, and the desire to run and dive into a big pile of leaves, rolling around until I find dog poop in my hair. Oh, wait...that last part isn't suppose to happen.

All that was missing from my little outing was a 3 year old child, a slobbering, happy dog, and of course, my better half (see sweetie, I DO think about you!).

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