
Happy Birthday to my one and only

Today my husband turns 40. I can't believe that I have known him since he was 22, but yet he still seems so young to me. It is his exuberance for love and life that made me fall in love with him instantly all those years ago, and it is the same attribute that I still love about him today. He has always told me that it is I that have shown him how to live free and openly, to experience life to the fullest. Well, if it is I that taught him to live life, then it is he who has outdone me in the doing of living life. Now I learn from him.
Today he is 40 years young with more energy and vitality than most half his age. Here's to 40 more sweetie! I am looking forward to growing old, wrinkled, and grey with you because together we will always be young at heart.

Before Larry left we had a pseudo birthday because I knew I wouldn't be making a cake for him in Hawaii. I guess we will be having another pseudo birthday when I finally get there. It will be more like a Birthday Season rather than a Day.

It is funny to look at him staring at all the candles on his cake because he looks like the clipart I chose for this post. He looks so happy and youthful.

I was trying to think of a song to add to this post that wouldn't be cheesy and gooey. I recalled a recent conversation we had when he asked me what song or band reminds me of him and my answer was the 80s group Madness. When we were younger he used to love listening to them, so here is a little Birthday "Madness."

Happy wind sailing today, sweetie. Hope you catch some good waves.

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