
$7400 in chewed Vick cards to Humane Society

That was the title of a story I read this morning. Too bad it didn't read $7400 of Michael Vick to the Humane Society (but I think the chewed cards are worth more than the person on them). This kind of abuse and cruelty just eats at me. I find it intolerable behavior. I personally think the Ass is getting off easy, and should have to spend the next 30 years volunteering at the Humane Society working to get slime balls like him removed from society. He should also have to give all of his millions to animal charities that have to deal with the aftermath of such cruelty.
I have no idea what God has planned for his afterlife, if his sins will be forgiven, but I (in my vengeful mind) would like him to spend eternity having to go through what he put those animals through. The ultimate payback would be for Vick to spend eternity as a chew toy for all the animals that he murdered and destroyed. That would be the appropriate sentence for his crimes .

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