
And he's off........again

Boy, I can't seem to get my husband to stay home these days. I wonder if I am starting to smell bad or something? Ha Ha Ha. Yes he is gone again. From D.C., home for 5 days, off to Hawaii for the next 10 days. I was suppose to be going with him, but once again the flights are too full. Even he doesn't have a seat. He gets to spend 6 hours in the jump seat of the cockpit. That should be fun.
I keep thinking someday our lives might "settle down", but every time they seem to, something comes up and there goes the "settle" part. I know his activity in the Navy is temporary, at least I think it is. He is now to a certain level of rank and experience where a lot of doors are open to him. As much as he wants to take these opportunities, I want him to have those experiences as well. Life is a series of doors that open and then close, and once they close that particular experience may never come around again. I know the same is for me and my own experiences. I can look back at my own doors that I never went into for whatever reason, and now I look back wishing I had.
I did share with him today though, that my hope is once I am fully certified and working, I would like the opportunity to maybe work overseas in England or Australia where it appears that Speech therapy is a much more respected and advanced profession. I think it would be an amazing opportunity. Maybe just for a year. He said he would. He would take a leave of absence and go with me. Pretty nice. I also told him that I want to do domestic and international volunteer work with charities like Operation Smile. He also liked the idea.
I guess I shouldn't complain about not being more settled then. It appears that for us, being "settled" might not be who we are. I guess neither of us is all that good at it.

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